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If you’ve ever been on a time frame and been nervous, no doubt you’ve seen the “on a date kinda stressed meme” or “over to start a date somewhat nervous” cup. This funny cup displays the feeling of dislike and anxiety that comes with going on a first of all date. As well as the phrase “I’m kinda nervous” is repeated throughout the mug’s design, which makes it the perfect tip to be watchful of your feelings on a date.
On A Date Kinda Nervous is a spoof on the famed meme rofl video. A male in high heels will certainly feel worried, as does women who merely broke in her heels. A terrified woman could possibly be more scared about the next matter she does, like working out. A great unkempt hairstyle, a pair of high heel pumps, or a night out with her friends can easily all confuse the initially date.
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